SMS fraud detection.

Real-live subscribers send or receive SMS from foreign mobile networks, OTT services and SMS aggregators.


  • According to the CFCA, fraud “steals” 9.4% of A2P revenue - almost $ 1.5 billion per year.
  • Fraudsters use GSM gateways with the function of transferring SIM cards, unauthorized junctions and national local SMS aggregators, which makes it possible to bypass existing FMS.
  • SMS traffic volumes trend is increasing from year to year. Sources of SMS traffic: A2P, advertising mailings, bank notifications, two-factor authorization.

Сrowdfunding in A2P/2FA testing.


Subscribers download Android app worldwide.


Subscribers receive SMS from international OTT services by registering there through SMS.


Analysis of the received sender ID, instant reporting to the operator via API, FTP or email.


Operator blocks fraudulent sender ID, the app-user receives a reward for successful testing.

Start Testing

Log into your account
Create a task for testing by choosing OTT services
Set up notification channels via API, FTP or email
Welcome, Jack Bonders!BENEFONRevenue Assurance Director in438INTVOIP243LOCAL82OPER59Add Test NumbersConfigure notification channels (API, FTP, email)Create TaskHow to startSMS Fraud DetectionChangeCurrent Plan50 000 tests SMS/ monthCost per test:0.99 USD/ SMSAdd
  • Testing any OTT service.
  • Testing from international MVNO.
  • Testing without SIM cards.
  • Complete invisibility for fraudseter’s filters.


Intelligent routing system based on fraud-event maximization:
  • The operator can independently add OTT services by pasting a link in the user account.
  • The system independently reroutes SMS between sources, thus increasing the number of fraud events.

OTT services testing.

From the B side, the subscriber who installs the OTT service, receives an SMS, processes it and transmits it to the operator via API, FTP, and email.

Mobile testing.

  • Live subscribers on foreign networks perform tasks for sending test SMS message 24/7.
  • The operator immediately receives alerts about fraud events in case a fraudulent sender ID is detected.

Global testing.

Simultaneous online monitoring of SMS delivery speed from anywhere in the world, including from MVNO networks.
